Call 24/7 | 800-688-6157
Our Services
It is the mission of S.A.F.E. to provide a safe place for victims of domestic violence and implement programs that create stability and self-determination for individuals seeking freedom, empowerment, and education.
S.A.F.E. Housing
Emergency Housing
S.A.F.E provides emergency housing for a 30-day period. After 30 days, the client can opt to stay and transfer to our transitional housing program.
Transitional Housing
S.A.F.E. transitional housing program has a 2-year stay that helps our clients/residents to become
self-sufficient while supporting independence and encouraging permanent success.
Our Transitional Housing Facility provides shelter for victims of domestic violence and assault and their children and is handicapped-accessible.

S.A.F.E. Transitional Housing Components
Transitional housing provides more than a place to live. Once at SAFE, the struggle for daily survival is won and women can concentrate on addressing the problems that caused them to become a victim of domestic violence.
The Facility
31-room occupancy
Commercial kitchen/ dining area
Thrift store
Conference and counseling rooms
Lounges on each floor
Full-size gymnasium
Support & Independence
We have a commitment to a special long-term housing program that affects self-sufficiency and self-respect for those who have chosen a change.
The 24-month stay offered to residents is a vital factor in supporting independence and encouraging permanent access.
Dont' be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others.
-Author Unknown

Other Services

Case Management
S.A.F.E provides case management, such as goals for residents, setting weekly appointments, and goal follow-up.

Court Advocacy
S.A.F.E Advocates attend hearings with clients to inform clients about the court process, provide support, and assist them with processing the outcome of the hearing and a safety plan.

S.A.F.E provides transportation to and from court; local transportation to and from appointments; and a weekly van run for all residents for grocery shopping.

Referral Services
S.A.F.E staff refers all clients to HUD, Law Enforcement, service providers, crime victim's compensation fund, therapists, legal aid, medical providers, and other referral deemed necessary.